Call for Abstracts

The RACDS wishes to advise that abstract submission is now closed for Fine Edge of Dentistry 2024 Conference. 

If you submitted an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Program Committee, you must also intend to register for the Conference.


Notifications to authors Friday 10 May 2024
Final program released June 2024
Speaker registration deadline Monday 8 July 2024
The Fine Edge of Dentistry 2024 Conference
12 - 14 September 2024

The program for the 2024 Fine Edge of Dentistry Conference, including the allocation of oral presentations, can be accessed here. Please note that the addition of a third stream will be considered and is contingent upon the selection of abstracts.

Successful candidates for oral presentations are required to register and attend the Conference in Cairns. 

Oral presentations will be notified of their length of presentation time in their acceptance notification, which is up to 45 minutes.  

The overarching theme of the conference is "Bridging Science and Dental Care," which underscores the vital connection between scientific progress and its practical implementation in the field of dentistry. With a central focus on "what's new," we aim to showcase the latest technological advancements, research breakthroughs, and evidence-based practices that enhance patient care. By emphasising interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical considerations, and a patient-centred approach, our conference will provide a platform for dental professionals to stay at the forefront of the industry.

During the submission process you will be asked to nominate one of the following specialities you would like your presentation to be considered for: 

  • Dento-maxillofacial radiology
  • Endodontics
  • Forensic odontology
  • General dentistry
  • Oral and maxillofacial pathology
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Oral medicine
  • Oral surgery
  • Orthodontics
  • Paediatric dentistry
  • Periodontics
  • Prosthodontics
  • Public health dentistry (community dentistry)
  • Special needs dentistry
  • Other

Abstract submission is an online three-step process. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure your submission is uploaded into the portal correctly.

Step 1: Abstract template

Download the abstract template via the below button. Abstracts must be submitted using this template, if sufficient information is not provided it will be rejected.

Note: Abstract submissions must be provided in Word document format. All PDF submissions will be returned to authors to resubmit in the correct file format.

Step 2: Create an account and log into the Abstract Submission Portal

You must create an account to upload an abstract via the 'Submit An Abstract' button below. You must complete this step before you can submit an abstract.

Step 3: Submit your abstract

Ensure you are logged into the abstract portal. Follow the steps outlined to submit an abstract.

Please note:

  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the template and guidelines provided. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned to the author and must be re-submitted immediately in the correct format to be considered for inclusion in the program
  • Abstracts should be submitted by the presenting author who should complete all fields on the online submission form.
  • If you are submitting more than one abstract, a separate submission must be made for each one.
  • You will be able to access the abstract portal to submit additional abstracts until Friday 5 April 2024. To change successfully submitted abstracts, please contact Program Coordinator, Hannah Walsh on

To create your account and submit your abstract please click on the button below.

You are required to double check your abstract has uploaded correctly during the submission process. Please note that an automated email will be issued upon submission of your abstract, if you do not receive this email please contact the Program Coordinator, Hannah Walsh on

Notification of the outcome of your submission will be communicated via email to the presenting author on Friday 10 May 2024. Please note the details provided as the author contact should be for the presenting author of the abstract. All correspondence relating to the submission will be directed to this person, and they should in turn distribute to all co-presenters as applicable.

The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Conference. Similarly, no presenter fee is paid to successful participants.

All presenters must register and pay to attend the conference by the speaker registration deadline (Monday 8 July 2024), in order for the presentation to be included in the Scientific Program. It will be assumed any presenter not registered by this date has withdrawn their abstract from the program.


For any enquiries regarding abstract submission please contact the Fine Edge of Dentistry 2024 Conference Office:

Fine Edge of Dentistry 2024 Conference Office:

119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311